32 research outputs found

    Towards human-centered cyber-physical systems: a modeling approach

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    In this paper we present a new CPS model that considers humans as holistic beings, where mind and body operate as a whole and characteristics like creativity and empathy emerge. These characteristics influence the way humans interact and collaborate with technical systems. Our vision is to integrate humans as holistic beings within CPS in order to move towards a human-machine symbiosis. This paper outlines a model for human-centered cyber-physical systems (HCPSs) that is based on our holistic system model URANOS. The model integrates human skills and values to make them accessible to the technical system, similarly to the way they are accessible to humans in human-to-human interaction. The goal is to reinforce the human being in his feeling of being in control of his life experience in a world of smart technologies. It could also help to reduce human bio-costs like stress, job fears, etc. The proposed model is illustrated by the case study of smart industrial machines, dedicated machines for smart factories, where we test the human integration through conversation

    Real-time collaboration through web applications: an introduction to the Toolkit for Web-based Interactive Collaborative Environments (TWICE)

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    The widespread availability of personal mobile devices, combined with the increasing availability of stationary public devices such as large interactive displays, creates new opportunities for computer-supported collaborative work. In particular, these two factors enable the emergence of collaborative scenarios, whether planned or spontaneous, in any location, and previous obstacles to such collaborative settings such as limitations on the number of devices available for use and infrastructure costs can be overcome more easily. As hardware restrictions diminish, the need for software toolkits that simplify the development of distributed collaborative applications allowing for device heterogeneity, true multi-user interaction and spontaneous emergence increases. In this article, we describe the Toolkit for Web-based Interactive Collaborative Environments whose aim is to address these issues. This is done using current standard web technologies extended for real-time application (and structured using specific development guidelines) while ensuring compatibility with the manifold new evolutions in the currently ongoing development of open web platform (HTML5, websockets, etc). While our own work has mainly focused on synchronous co-located collaborative systems (same place/same time), our solution, the technologies used, as well as the concepts that are introduced are easily extendable for remote and/or asynchronous collaboration

    ROBIN: Activity based robot management system

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    This paper examines the design and implementation of a system to support firefighting exercises based on tools and ideas of pervasive computing. Through this development a range of technologies and conceptual tools were used, such as sensors, wireless communication, and the programming framework uMove; as well as context-awareness, situation management, and activity detection. In this development, the notion of implicit human-computer interaction was of particular relevance. The use of a programming framework for interaction through motion was central, and this implementation is one of its proofs of concept, as it presented opportunities to improve it and recommendations to adapt it for future applications


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    For improving the security and privacy of data storage, a novel model based on code division multiple access, called PNCD-DS, is proposed for dealing with the problem of resources sharing in a storage area network (SAN). This technology differs from existing such as space or time division multiple access, it has some essential features for ensuring the security and privacy of user's information and/or data. Through decreasing the information intensity by multi times during user's data storage and then recovering it normal when scan, the method makes the interference from other users or damages to the data weaken enormously. Therefore, damage to some extent in some local area of SAN will not destroy the integrity of saved data. On the other hand, because a SAN here can be regarded exclusive for each user with its own special code, the data management could be simplified. Due to coded when data storage and/or backup and decoded when scan, the probability of user's data leakage is also very low even if the disk is physically handed by some other users. Key Words Security, confidentiality, database, storage area network, PN sequence 1

    Improving Method Extraction: A Novel Approach to Data Flow Analysis Using Boolean Flags and Expressions

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    Method extraction is a complex refactoring: it has to transform statements of source code and preserve semantics. While many recent development environments provide a semi-automated implementation of this refactoring, most of them are still flawed. The part of the process we want to discuss is the so called data flow analysis. Its purpose is to determine the arguments and the results of the method to extract. Various approaches to this problem have been proposed: graph based, scripting languages, and direct analyses. Graph-based approaches [1] are the most widely spread techniques. The problem with graph-based approaches is that the construction of the graph itself from the source code is difficult: the common representation of statements is not a graph, but the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). While these approaches have shown to be good for analyses, their use i